Pedalaman Suku Baduy - West Java

On 14 until 15 of May 2015 are my lucky day s , because I tripped to "Pedalaman Suku Baduy" and I got some new friends ma ybe at arround 22 pe rson and I also had an opportunity to know the culture of Suku Baduy. We started from Duri station at arround 07.00 A.M. In wish , we would take a good train as usual like our commuterline but the reality, we take the economi c train! During the trip, I felt so hot because the air conditioner in the train was broken and at the time we only could feel th e wind through the window train. And we arrived at 10.30 A.M in Rangkas Bitung station. After that, we t ook lunch early and bought some drink to prepare for the trip. T hen we walked to the rental car which would bring us to the Ciboleger Village which would be our first place to start the adv e nture. As you know, the elf car very small so 5 of us should sit on the top of the car . M aybe this is one of the craziest things I have ever seen, because we faced ...