Mount Merbabu - Central Java

Talking about Mount Merbabu, Merbabu is one of the best mountain in central java after Sumbing, Sindoro, Prau, Merapi, Andong, Slamet etc. A lot of people say, this mountain have a beautiful savanna and these make me want to see that directly. 

Merbabu have six line you can choose like :
1. Selo
2. Suwanting
3. Wekas
4. Tekelan
5. Granden
6. Chuntel

Merbabu Mountain located in Central Java with the height 3142 Mdpl and this is first time for me to climbed above 3000 Mdpl. And I think, this is one of crazies things I did, because one of my friends, Jamie as a leader of Bumii Adventure, invited me to go to Mount Merbabu on 29 until 31 of July 2016. Without thinking too much, I said yes! We are consist of 24 peoples and from various places like Tangerang, Jakarta, Batam, and Surabaya.
My journey starting from UKI station at 09.30 P.M used ELF and Nissan Grandmax. Ya maybe at arround 01.00 P.M we already arrived in Suwanting Basecamp and repacking. At 02.00 P.M I was ready to climb with all my new friends. In Merbabu by Suwanting line, there are three pos we needed to pass. Starting from the bottom until the first pos Lembah Lempong we need one hour to see the beautiful landscape of Pine forests.  


After take a lot of picture, we ready to go to second poss, during the way, we will meet amazing trek and we need to pass Lembah Gosong, Cemoro, Ngrijan and Lembah Mitoh as the last place to got the second poss. Hmm... from the first pos until the second we spend time at arround two hour and you know, in this pos we have a lot water sources. So don't worried!!

I think the second pos already make some of us feel tired including me. Because besides it was getting dark, the temperature was getting cold, some of us was very tired and need rest for a while time. To arrived in the third pos we spend a lot of time maybe five hour to pass Lembah Singo, Lembah Manding and Hutan Manding. I can't say anything with the treck, the farther we climbed, it was going to be more difficult and in some treck we must climb using rope because the treck have tilt until 75 degrees and fortunately, at arround 10 minutes before the third pos we have water sources again. Sowe do not worry about water for our logistics. Hmm....absolutely starting from basecamp until the third we have not bonus!! And I said, what a crazy treck?!!

As I know, I always be the last group to arrived in the third pos! That's true!! Hmmm... Because some of my friends already arrived in the third pos earlier so, they build six tent for us and prepare for dinner. You know gaes, the third poss wasn't the top, so I just have 5 hour to rest and slept because in the morning we must to get the top.

Finally, the time goes by and at arround 06.00 A.M time for us to summit to the top of Mount Merbabu. To got the top we must to pass Sabana 1, 2 and 3 after that the Top of Suwanting, Top of Triagulasi and the last Top of Kenteng Songo!! Yeay finally at arround 09.30 A.M Im arrived at 3142 Mdpl the Top of Merbabu Mountain!! 

Thanks a lot for all of my friends, because without you I'm nothing!! and special thanks for Chomeng, Seto, Luki because waiting me until the last, thanks for your patience and gave me support and thanks for Bumii Adventure!!

New Experiences Give Us Moments To Remember.....Fighting!


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