Mount Andong - Central Java

On 12 until 14 of February 2016, I have a great opportunity to climbed Mount Andong - Magelang, and you know, this is my second trip with @backpackerjakarta yeah!! We are consist of 28 people. 

Mount Andong is one of the few mountains that located in Magelang. Mount Andong maybe not too high for experienced mountain climbers. However,  in terms of beauty it is not losing to other mountains in South Java like Mount Merbabu and Merapi. 

During the trip, we were led by Cahya and Rangga. We were divided into 8 teams. Because this trip is sharecost so we must to responsible about equipment team like tent, gas, mattresses, food, water, stove and etc. This is first time for me to bring the tent, feel very heavy!!. Actually, I’m not confident with myself to bring it, but I will always try because, if I didn’t try, I do not how far I can break my limit. 

Finally the day was coming, On 12 February 2016, at arround 10.30 P.M we start from secretariat office backpackerjakarta to Magelang and left Jakarta used bus. Maybe At arround 03.00 P.M we arrived. We spend 14 hours to get to Mount Andong Basecamp. In there, we take a rest for a while time, prepare and repacking. At 03.30 P.M we start to climb, I was ready with all my new friends. Yeayyy!!!!

In Andong, there are two pos we needed to pass. Starting from the bottom until first and second poss, we will meet some of pine trees and we can see Mount Merbabu and Merapi from a distance, so beautiful so much and we can rest for a while in there. And next, from second poss until the top we have amazing treck and view because in there we must summit until the top. And the time goes by, we are already arrived at the top 06.30 P.M. You know, at the top there are have two stalls built by one of people who lives not far from Andong basecamp. In there we built eight tents. Because of strong wind outside, so we had a dinner in each tent and after that we all slept and rest. Actually, I was very tired, but I can't slept because the temperature was getting cold. 

At arround, 04.30 A.M, we got ready to see the beautiful of Sunrise. Finally, the time was coming, the sunrise come up. For me this was very amazing and will be one of my unforgetable moment. Especially, when sunrise came up there were a view of Mount Merbabu and Merapi as a that complited  the beautifulness of sunrise. I don't know why I always like sunrise and sunset wherever I go, I always love to shot Sunset and Sunrise. I will love to wake up early in the morning, just to spot the phenomenon, and capture its beauty. Sunset and sunrise has given me lots of insights and understanding about life. That when the sun is rising, it’s time for me to start the day, work hard and to hopeful, but when it sets, it’s time for me to rest, to dream, and thankful.

After take a lot of photos, some of us cooked for breakfast, laugh and singing together, the title is "Indah Bagai Pelangi" 

Backpacker Jakarta adalah kami
Satukan rasa, berbagi dan peduli
Gunung, lautan, alamku, flora dan fauna ku
Ku cinta padamu negeri.
     Backpacker Jakarta adalah kami
     Tak lelah langkah ini untuk terhenti
     Bermacam suku, budaya, wisata nan indah
     Ku bangga padamu negeri.
Yae..yoe..yae..yo..Kami disini
Backpacker Jakarta selalu memberi arti
Saling menjaga, berbagi dan menyayangi
Satukan rasa cinta dan selalu peduli
     Yae..yoe..yae..yo..Kami disini 
     Backpacker Jakarta kan selalu dihati
     Senyum, canda dan tawa kami
     Indah bagai pelangi.      
This song makes us more intimate and warm. After breakfast, we prepared to climb down. As the time goes by, we already arrived in basecamp mount Andong and prepared, repacking, take a bath, had lunch and before we went to Jakarta, we exchange our gift with others because that day is the valentine day on 14 of february 2016 and I got "Sendal Jepit" yeahh!! Finally at arround  12.00 A.M we start to go Jakarta.

In short, If you were in South Java, Magelang, and have free time, You must try to climb Mount Andong. Although not very high, but during the journey to the top, your adrenaline and agility still  will be tested. Don’t forget to bring a camera to capture the beautiful view of Mount Andong. 


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