Planting Mangrove Trees - Bekasi

Travelling is the best way of having new experiences. Climbing a mountain or going for a walk on the beach, or going to a museum or going to a national park and etc. You meet so many people along your journey and they all influence you in some way. You will forget about your petty problem for a small amount of time and understand there a lot of people who are struggling for fulfill requirement in they life. And I see and hear directly when I was go there with @Backpackerjakarta. O n 15 Mei 2016 I get new experience to planted mangrove trees in Muara Gembong. Muara Gembong is a district located in Bekasi regency, West Java province, Indonesia. Maybe at around two or two half hour from Bekasi we arrived at Polsek Bekasi using public transportation. Its residents are mostly fishermen who catch fish, crabs and shrimp for sale to Jakarta. In this part, we consist of 39 peoples from different places and led by Aditya Dede and Noviar. Finally, the day was coming, we h...