Explore Derawan Island - East Kalimantan

Derawan, Maratua, Kakaban and Sangalaki Island always be everyone's dream, isolated  islands with soft white sand beaches, pristine seas, and an amazing underwater. The island is indeed one of world’s richest areas in bio-diversity and being the third best place dive destination in the world and located just away from the mainland of East Kalimantan in the district of Berau, Derawan Archipelago.

It's like a dream come true when I visited Derawan, Maratua, Kakaban and Sangalaki Island. I can say, it will be my great experience that I have. Before I tell you what I'm doing there, I would like to share more about how this trip came true and beside that, my uncle and family stayed in Berau so I feel happy. Start on March, I find cheap flight and save money to explore one of my favorite spot in East Kalimantan. And finally I got the Sriwijaya ticket with price Idr 750.000 / person to flight on 03 Mei 2016 and Idr 1.250.000 / person to go back on 09 Mei 2016! Without spending a lot of time, I booked that ticket!! Yeahh!!!  

Finally the day was coming, on 03 Mei 2016 maybe at 12.30 P.M I arrived at Soekarno Hatta Airport and cheak in. After that I must waiting again because I have flight schedulle to Balikpapan Airport at 03.30 P.M. The flight took 2 hours from Jakarta's Soekarno Hatta Airport directly to Balikpapan Airport. In short, at arround 05.30 P.M I arrived at Balikpapan Airport and accidentally I meet my friend Dami and Him friends Bejo, Aini, Rafel and Baban. They have the same destination with me. And without think too much we prepared transit to Kalimarau Airport after registration to transit and the flight took 45 minutes from Balikpapan Airport. At arround 07.30 P.M we arrived at Kalimarau Airport, in there me and them must seperate because the already booked homestay and I must live in my uncle house one night.

In the morning on 04 Mei 2016, we prepared to go to Tanjung Batu Harbor. Ya at arround 4 hours started from Berau we arrived at Tanjung Batu Harbor and directly to Derawan Island using speedboat maybe 30 minutes. In there, we stay for 3 days in cottage.  

First day in Derawan island I just enjoy the view of cottage and take a lot of photos because it was afternoon and take a rest.

The second day in the morning, we rent 2 bicycle to surround Derawan Island and saw a lot of homestay for rent. After that, we prepared to swimming in Derawan beach, played Banana Boat and Ufo Boat until afternoon. After satisfied play in the beach, I go back to cottage for take a bath, after that me and my friends got opportunity to saw the beautiful of Sunset in Derawan Island

The third day, it means the last day in derawan, I prepared to explore Maratua, Kakaban and Sangalaki Island using speedboat again. To get there, from Derawan until Maratua Island we need passed 1 hours, but after that you will see the beautiful of Maratua Island. The island itself is beautiful, almost like Maldives Island, Maratua Island have white sandy beaches and clear blue waters. However there isn't much activities going on the island but it's good for relaxing. After take more photos, next we go to Kakaban Island and we need 20 minutes to get there. The water in the beach was not clear when I visited. But you get to see and feel so many jellyfish. I think this is the best vacation I ever had! Love this island very much because you can swim, play, touch and take a pic with jellyfish. Ya I feel very dissapointed in there, because I can't snorkel with jellyfish because I can't swimming and scared but my friends do it. Enjoy friends! Yeayyyy. The time goes by, I go to Sangalaki Island. To get there we need 15 minutes. In this island, we can see small turtle. Actually there's not much to do. We just spent time to relax and enjoying the view. Ok, Sangalaki Island being my the last destination and I prepared to go back to Tanjung Batu Harbor and I need maybe 1 hours to arrived. At 01.00 P.M I arrived at Harbor, I got lunch, after that prepared to go back to Berau, my uncle home to clean up my clothes and take a rest.

On 07 until 08 Mei 2016, my uncle invite me to explore Berau. Start from culinary like try "Coto Makasar"; "Martabak Terang Bulan Al Marjan Berau"; "Bubur Depot Hokky" and try snack in "Tepian Sungai Segah Berau" etc. After that we find a lot of souvenir in there. The time goes by, tonight was coming, I should to prepared all of my clothes etc because tommorow I will come back to Jakarta. But my friend Dami with him friends Bejo, Aini, Rafel and Baban already take off to Jakarta tonight used Garuda Indonesia Air. Be careful guys!

In the morning on 09 Mei 2016, at 06.30 A.M I left my uncle house go to Kalimarau Airport for chek in and go back to Soekarno Hatta airport. Before take off to Jakarta, I just can say, this is my great experience that I have before and I will be come back very soon!


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