Planting Mangrove Trees - Bekasi

Travelling is the best way of having new experiences. Climbing  a mountain or going for a walk on the beach, or going to a museum or going to a national park and etc. You meet so many people along your journey and they all influence you in some way. You will forget about your petty problem for a small amount of time and understand there a lot of people who are struggling for fulfill requirement in they life. And I see and hear directly when I was go there with @Backpackerjakarta.

On 15 Mei 2016 I get new experience to planted mangrove trees in Muara Gembong. Muara Gembong is a district located in Bekasi regency, West Java province, Indonesia. Maybe at around two or two half hour from Bekasi we arrived at Polsek Bekasi using public transportation. Its residents are mostly fishermen who catch fish, crabs and shrimp for sale to Jakarta. In this part, we consist of 39 peoples from different places and led by Aditya Dede and Noviar. 

Finally, the day was coming, we have meeting point in Bekasi stasiun at 07.00 A.M but some of us come late, so we start going to Polsek Bekasi at arround 08.00 A.M. We have 2 public transportation and some of us use motorcycle. 

During the way go to Polsek, we have more laugh :D.. But when we know the driver don't know the way go to Polsek Muara Gembong, we stop laugh for a while and start to ask some of peoples along the way, think too much and open maps on smartphone but we dont have signal. And the time goes by, finally we arrived at Polsek at arround 10.30 A.M. While waiting the other, we relax and enjoy. Maybe half an hour later we already complate and start going to Pasar Pantai Mekar dock. From here our journey begins. Fighting!! Yeay....

Maybe at around 10 minutes, we arrived at Pasar Pantai Mekar dock, start from here we prepare went to Pantai Bahagia dock in Muara Gembong by boat. Ya maybe 40 minutes we already arrived in there and start to trekking maybe 30 minutes toward to one of house origin people from Muara Gembong. In that house, we got lunch, mangrove drink, enjoy, relax and change our clothes. After that we start to trekking again to hard point at arround 10 minutes. So, after we arrived, we got 3 seedlings and before we start to planted, all of us got some information about planted mangrove from Kulbi as a guide, because some of us are first time to joined including me. The information like how to planting mangrove trees ?? you should to plant the seed under the mud, after that connective seedlings with bamboo sticks. Just like that, simple but to enter that place you should passed brown water like river with a lot of mud. So you can see in the picture bellow. Enjoy!! :D

After finished planted mangrove at arround 1 hour, we go back, take a bath and prepare to go to Muara Bendera to see Lutung Jawa in there. Ya maybe 30 minutes we arrived and start to trekking maybe 10 minutes and than we can see some of Lutung Jawa. Long tailed Lutung Jawa monkeys sit on a tree at Muara Gembong, West Java province, Indonesia. Long tailed Lutung Jawa is one of the endemic species in the category of endangered and protected by local law. We no longer are there just 30 minutes to see directly Lutung Jawa and take a lot of picture because it was getting dark and we must go back to Pasar Pantai Mekar dock. 

Along the way, we just enjoy the view, laugh and see the beautiful of sunset in boat. Ya I'm so happy so much, because I love it, sunset or sunrise always remind me that when the sun is rising, it’s time for me to start the day, work hard and to hopeful, but when it sets, it’s time for me to rest, to dream, and thankful. The time goes by, at arround 06.00 P.M the boat stop in front of mosque. Some of us go down to prayer in mosque and I stay in the boat and during waiting each other, me talking with the driver in boat ( I forgot the name ) because I curious when I was in Muara Gembong because I see a lot of children and 1 primary school in there. So I ask Him about primary school in there, I think that school don't active again, but it's wrong, the driver said; the primary school still working and if the tide rises and enters the school and classroom, learning activity is still running in the class. And I ask Him again, how about Junior and Senior High School ?? He said that for Junior and Senior High School, everyday they should using boat to cross into Pasar Pantai Mekar dock to get school. Amazing right!! the last, how about Muara Bendera ? because I think in there is place of fish breeding. but in fact there is place for each other if they want to buy fish, crab or someting like that He said. How hard right!! Short story I got from Him make me more grateful about life. So the time goes by, all of my friends already finish and we ready to go back. Ya maybe at arround 08.00 P.M we arrived at Pasar Pantai Mekar dock and directly to public transportation toward to Bekasi station. After passed long jouney in public transportation, finally we arrived in Bekasi station at 10.30 P.M and one day tripped already done!!

Lastly, I have learned when I travel, no matter how, where, and when,  travel will inspire us and make a little change in our life. So, try to always more grateful with your life and every single your step and took!!


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