Explore Minangkabau - West Sumatera

West Sumatra is one of the most beautiful areas of Indonesia. It is mountainous and divided by three valleys. There are lovely lakes and spectacular volcanoes. But Minangkabau land is very special and has the most friendly population group of Indonesia. They love to talk with visitors and will tell us about their unique society. If a visitor tries to understand the culture and Minang traditions he will soon feel himself a member of the clan.

Minang people also have a great original architectural art; Rumah Gadang  a superb of traditional art building, not only interesting in the architectural form of the building but also there is a deep philosophy inside. In terms of culinary artwork Minang people is also fantastic, Minang people is one of the most contributor to the large family of Indonesian national food. 

On 09 until 12 of December 2016 are my lucky days, because I tripped to "Explore Minangkabau" and I got some new friends maybe at arround 23 person and I also had an opportunity to know the culture and traditions of Minang and during the trip, we were led by Amiral Arif and Selly. 

To reach West Sumatra we must choose a domestic flight to West Sumatra to reach Minangkabau International Airport. Minangkabau International Airport is the principal airport serving the province of West Sumatra on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. One can assess the beauty of West Sumatra from the airport itself  as the surroundings are filled with mesmerising untouched beauty.

Our journey accompanied by Jamal and Heru use Bus to explore Minangkabau.


Day 1 :

- Visiting to Adityawarman Museum as a popular one in Padang City, the iconic of Minang Culture and Art which became one of tourism object should be visited in Padang. Built on 1974, this museum also well-known as a replica of Padang Historical city. You could see and learn more about the history of Padang City and many old antique items inside the museum.

- The mosque is located in the most strategic place, in the central of the capital, Jalan Khatib Sulaiman, Padang, West Sumatra. This mosque has a unique architectural design that different from the usual mosque. The mosque design is inspired by the unique culture of Minangkabau. You can find various types of carving, proverbs and art of Minangkabau are applied to the mosque building. The mosque has no dome but roofed by typical of Minangkabau’s traditional house. The mosque became an object of interest to take pictures.

- Aie Manih Beach or Sweet Water Beach is one of famous tourism object in Padang. Mostly well-known of the local famous folks legend story “Malin Kundang” sites there. Once upon a time when Malin Kundang was being cursed into a big stone, otherwise if you came and visit the beach then you will find it off the beach.

- Tanah Ombak itself is a community of reading, writing and building a library and a special art of children and adult, the community led by Yusrizal KW dan Syuhendri.

The method applied in Tanah Ombak is playing while learning. Learning with fun process would be more meaningful for children. In addition, they are taught to read for at least 15 minutes to half an hour a day.
After two years running, the results is
*Best Performing National Theatre, the Scholastic Reading 1st 2016 Regional Community competetion Sumatra and Sumatra eligible to represent the national level *Best performances of the National Theatre Festival of Children at Taman Ismail Marzuki in Jakarta, 2015. 
*Literacy grace Minangkabau 2016 as the first best Community of West Sumatra from Governor of West Sumatra.
nd Winner of Children Storytelling Competition Innovation Week 2016 RRI Padang.

Day 2 :
- One of the most attractive tourist destination is Lembah Anai which is situated in a small town located in Minangkabau Highlands, called Bukittinggi. Lembah Anai is very scenic and the atmosphere was also very tranquil around the waterfall enough to make one fall in the love with it. In front of the Lembah Anai Waterfall, there was an old railway track and you can use this track for take a lot of photos.

- Pusat Dokumentasi Dan Informasi Kebudayaan Minangkabau (PDIKM) is one of West Sumatera’s cultural museums which is located at Padang Panjang city. Established in 1988, this museum was built as a storage and display for all evidences including journals and photographs that support the history of Minangkabau tribe. PDIKM museum is located 3 km away from downtown of Padang Panjang alongside the road between Padang Panjang and Padang city.

Day 3 :
- Indonesia has many culture varieties starting from its history, culinary, building, ceremony, bridge and so on. There is one of the most famous bridge and it seems new in West Sumatera is called Kelok 9. Once we arrived in Kelok 9, we stopped on the top and enjoyed the view. Curved 9 This is one of the favourite resting places for the travellers to West Sumatra and then here too there are little stalls hawking food.

- Lembah Harau, One of the astonishing place I ever seen. I really amazed with the view I’d seen there. located in the 50 Koto district (about 2 hour road trip from Bukittinggi City), Lembah Harau is a scenic valley with granite cliffs as high as 80 feet as the walls. In this area, you can find many waterfalls, fresh air, and rural atmosphere.

- Padang Mangateh is my next destination. Padang Mangateh is a best cattle ranch in West Sumatra. It is located on Jl. Padang Mengatas Kec. Luhak, kab. Lima Puluh Kota provinsi Sumatera Barat. Actually, this place is Balai Pembibitan Ternak Unggul Hijauan Pakan Ternak (BPTUHPT), but most people around easier by shortening its name. And this place is not a public place, so don't be disappointed. When all of us visited, that place already closed. We don't knows how long this place is closed to the public. I hope for all of you who want to come to this place to learn from the experience and more respect for nature and protect. According from some of the guard also we got the information, contributor to the destruction of the ecosystem a lot of teenagers.

- The Jam Gadang itself is a clock-tower that is not too high if one compare it with the high buildings. Its height is only 26 metres. However, I saw the uniqueness of the Jam Gadang from its architecture that represents prominent Minangkabau culture. So, the architects of this tower had cleverly designed and built the Jam Gadang as a city's landmark representing the whole area of West Sumatra.
Day 4 :
- Ngarai Sianok, West Sumatra also has a canyon named Ngarai Sianok located in the border town of Bukittinggi, a part of Agam regency.  Sianok canyon has very beautiful scenery and became one of the mainstays of the provincial tourist spot. Sianok Canyon with a ravine of about 100 m deep stretches along 15 km with a width of about 200 m.

- Lake Maninjau is another volcanic lake in Indonesia with incredible beautiful scenery. The lake is located in Tanjung Raya district, Agam regency, West Sumatra Province. One of the unique related to this lake is the forty-four successive sharp bends on the road leading to the lake, named Kelok 44. Name of the Kelok 44 was taken from the number of hairpin bends to the location of the lake that are 44 (forty-four) pieces in a row.
This time, Padang City is preparing himself to be one of the Indonesia main tourist destination, they would also want to be a significant tourist destination in the region, with a diverse topography from coastal areas, lowland areas up to the mountainous areas, of course, Padang promising colorful variations of natural scenery just in one location. In addition to natural scenery, Padang has various unique traditions; rich with historical relics and has amazing traditional foods. However, all the values still need a professional tourist management touch to develop Padang to be the word class tourist destination.

Referensi by : http://padang.qrzyb.com; http://travee.co; http://www.andyadam.com; http://intimate-indonesia.blogspot.co.id; http://www.indonesia-tourism.com; 


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